Dermatology - Cushing Syndrome
Troncal obesity, moon face, abdomen striae, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, protein catabolism, mental disorders, and amenorrhea and hirsutism in females are some of the characteristics that are associated with Cushing syndrome. This condition is linked to an excessive amount of adrenocorticosteroids. Fatigue and muscle weakness, hypertension, personality changes, amenorrhea in females, polyuria, and polydipsia are some of the general symptoms and symptoms that are associated with this condition. lesions (plural) A plethora of obese individuals who have a "classic" habitus that is the result of the redistribution of fat, including moon face, "buffalo" hump, truncal obesity, and slender arms. An atrophic skin condition that is characterized by easy bruising and telangiectasia is present, and purple striae are most commonly found on the trunk and abdomen. Androgenetic alopecia is a condition that most commonly affects women, while facial hypertrichosis is characterized by pigmented hairs and frequently enlarged lanugo hairs on the face and arms. Acne that has just appeared (without comedones) or acne that has been present for some time is observed. Urine samples taken over a period of twenty-four hours are used to determine blood glucose levels, serum potassium levels, and free cortisol levels. An faulty dexamethasone suppression test that fails to suppress endogenous cortisol release when dexamethasone is administered is diagnostic, and high ACTH is observed in the patient. Both pituitary and abdominal tumors should be ruled out, and osteoporosis should be evaluated. Glucocorticoids that are exogenous should be eliminated, or the underlying endogenous source should be identified and corrected.
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